The Demartini Method

A Revolutionary New Tool in Modern Psychology. Getting You Results Every Time.

What is The Demartini Method?

The Demartini Method is a powerful coaching methodology that gives you the ability to get results for your clients in every session.

What is The Demartini Method

Developed by human behavior specialist and polymath, Dr John Demartini, it is a culmination of more than 5 decades of research and studies in numerous disciplines including psychology, physics, philosophy, theology, metaphysics, mathematics, neurology and physiology.

What is The Demartini Method

Used by coaches, therapists, business consultants, healthcare practitioners, holistic healers, and anyone in the profession of helping people clear their emotional baggage and empower their lives. It has become the preferred transformation process in the coaches toolbox.

What is The Demartini Method

The Demartini Method is the primary methodology that Dr John Demartini uses in his signature self-development seminar, the Breakthrough Experience. It’s also the core methodology that he trains in the Demartini Method Training Program and ongoing professional training curriculum.

How does it work?

The Demartini Method is a cognitive process that involves balancing the mathematical equation of perceptions and results in greater executive function, objectivity, inspiration, appreciation, fulfillment, and drive.

It is a systematic, predetermined series of questions that when answered, assists an individual to neutralize and transform polarized emotional feelings into integrated feelings of presence, certainty, gratitude and love.

It creates a new perspective and paradigm in thinking and feeling.

As William James, the father of modern psychology, aptly stated “the greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their perceptions and attitudes and mind.”

Every emotion is a bi-product of the ratio of perceptions.

When an individual perceives that an event or someone’s actions (even their own actions) has more drawbacks than benefits, they label it bad, mean, challenging, negative, detrimental, leading to varying degrees of resentment.

There are only 3 things that any human being has control over. Perceptions, decisions and actions. If you change the perceptions, you change the decisions and actions that come out of it. 

Thus as a coach, the greatest power of transformation you have available to you is to work with a client’s perceptions.

You can assist your clients to transform their perceptions by following the specific steps outlined in the Demartini Method. As a coach using the Demartini Method, you’ll be guiding your clients to become the captain of their ship, the master of their destiny, an unborrowed visionary and an inspired leader, an individual of authenticity and influence.

A Powerful Coaching Tool with 1000 Uses

The Demartini Method is the science of balancing the mathematical equation of perceptions - the result is clearing emotional distractions, greater objectivity, resilience, adaptability, gratitude for life, enthusiasm, drive and inspiration.


Some of The Many Applications of the Demartini Method

You no longer have to spend weeks, month’s or years working with clients stuck on the same issue.


Coaches and therapists are now getting results in every session by using the Demartini Method.

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You too can learn how to apply the Demartini Method to dissolve your client’s emotional baggage and underlying distress in relation to:

“Betrayal” of “trust” by partner, “Betraying” a friend due to necessity or other reasons, “Criticism” or “abuse” by ministers, priests, or authority figures, “Criticism” or “abuse” by teachers, “Death” of affiliated groups, community members during catastrophe – war, flood, fire, bombs, explosions, terrorism, epidemic, “Death” of baby at birth or soon thereafter “Discrimination” or “persecution”, “Humiliation” – perceived or actual, “Losing” a friend due to “betrayal” of trust, “Losing” a friend due to argument or misunderstanding, “Losing” a friend due to relocation, “Losing” the one you love to someone else, “Losing” your own business, “Loss” of income, “Loss” of you spouse’s or lover’s business, “Loving” someone who will not “commit” or cannot commit to you, “Pain” – chronic, “Pain” – on and off and recurrent, “Rejection” by peers, Achieving something and realizing that you cannot achieve any higher, Adapting to business challenges, Adapting to new technology, Addiction recovery, Adoption or foster care, Alcohol or drug addicted parent(s), Alzheimers, Anger towards another, Anger towards self, Anorexia, Anxiety, Assault, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Baby born with physical or mental problems or defects - autism, Down’s syndrome, CF, Baby illness, Bad credit rating, Balancing multiple roles, Bankruptcy, Being “bullied” by others, Being “forced” to do a job for whatever reason, Being “rejected” by a friend or someone else, Being bullied, Being fired from your job, Being forced out of someone else’s company, Being forced out of your own business, Being forced to break off a relationship with someone you love – through family pressure, Being forced to marry someone you do not love, Being forced to study something in which you are not interested, Being forced to take “adult” responsibilities too soon, Being over or under insured – or having no insurance, Being punished for “failing”, Being punished for “succeeding”, Being rejected by family or friends for choosing a specific career or field of study, Being rejected when applying for entrance to a career you want, Being retrenched (laid off) from you job, Being sent to boarding school, Being sexually, emotionally or physically “harassed” at work, Being stalked, Being stood up by your partner – at the altar or other settings, Being sued for civil or criminal reasons – justifiable or not, Being told by a doctor you are probably going to die, Being told by your doctor that the illness you have cannot be cured or reversed, Being told by your partner that you are not sexually attractive, Being told you are not a good lover, Being told you are stupid or incapable, Being told you will be loved only if you “succeed”, Being told you will never amount to anything, Binging, Bonding issues, Boundary setting, Breaking off a relationship and then believing that it was a “mistake”, Bulimia, Burnout, Business bankruptcy, Calming manic behavior, Career dissatisfaction, Challenges for foster care providers, Chronic fatigue, Chronic joint pain, Cigarette addiction, Claustrophobia, Clearing psychological blockages to falling pregnant, Compromising yourself to keep or get a job, Compulsive eating, Continual emotional “abuse” towards you by your partner, Continual mental “abuse” towards you by your partner, Continual physical “abuse” towards you by your partner, Creativity blocks, Cultural adaptation, Deal with digestive conditions, Dealing brain cancer, Dealing with chronic autoimmune disorders, Dealing with chronic muscle pain, Dealing with chronic skin conditions, Dealing with cyberbullying, Dealing with elder care responsibilities, Dealing with family estrangement, Dealing with fear in relation to chronic illness, Dealing with feelings of revenge, Dealing with fibromyalgia, Dealing with gossip, Dealing with grief of miscarriage, Dealing with homelessness, Dealing with house burnt down, Dealing with legal issues, Dealing with MS, Dealing with natural disaster aftermath, Dealing with parental expectations, Dealing with peer pressure, Dealing with procrastination, Dealing with rapid technological changes, Dealing with reproductive issues, Dealing with sensory overload, Dealing with sexual urges, Dealing with speech impediments, Dealing with theft, Dealing with trauma around a murder, Decision-making difficulties, Delegation, Dementia, Demotions, Deportation, Depression, Destruction of individual property – house burned down, car vandalized, Disabilities, Discovering you are no longer sexually attracted to you partner, Discovering you have a sexually transmitted disease, Discovering you partner is attracted to people of a different gender to you, Discovering your partner has a sexually transmitted disease, Discovering your partner is having a long term affair with someone else, Discovering your partner is in love with someone else, Dispute resolutions, Disputes with or harassment by ex-partner, Disputes with or harassment by spouse’s or lover’s ex-partner, Dissolving chronic stress, Dissolving distractions and mind chatter, Dissolving emotions due a burglary, Divorce and separation, Divorce of parents, Doing a job or career that bores/bored you, Doing a job you do not feel competent to do, Dyslexia, Eating disorders, Emotional “abandonment” or “rejection” by parent – one or both – perceived or actual due to sibling(s), work, illness, alcohol, drugs, Empty nest syndrome, Envy, erectile dysfunction, Exam stress, Failing an important test or exam, Failure of treatment of disease or surgery, Fear of aging, Fear of confrontation, Fear of death, Fear of failure, fear of judgment, Fear of public speaking, Fear of rejection, Fear of success, Fear of the unknown, Feeling uninspired, Financial instability, Firing of spouse or lover from his or her job, Following a specific career when you really want to do something else, Food addiction, Forced removal from home or community, Forced separation due to divorce, Forced to live with people other than parents, Frustration, Gambling addiction, Getting old, Giving up a job or career you loved for whatever reasons, Giving up baby for adoption or foster care, Giving up career or ambitions due to pregnancy, Giving up career or dreams for family, Goal Setting, Grief after a divorce, Grief after a friend’s death, Grief after a grandparent’s death, Grief after a mentor’s death, Grief after a miscarriage, Grief after a parent’s death, Grief after a pet’s death, Grief after a sibling’s death, Grief after a suicide, Grief after child leaves home, Grief after losing a friend, Grief after losing a home, Grief after losing a job, Guilt, Guilt about bullying, Handling a breakup, Handling allergies, Handling business failures, Handling change, Handling chronic illness, Handling criticism, Handling discrimination, Handling eviction, Handling fame, Handling family expectations, Handling financial fraud, Handling financial instability, Handling financial loss, Handling foreclosure, Handling harassment, Handling infertility grief, Handling job demotion, Handling job instability, Handling job relocation, Handling job stress, Handling layoffs, Handling legal battles, Handling legal disputes, Handling life’s unpredictability, Handling loss of fame, Handling loss of reputation, Handling office politics, Handling peer rejection, Handling personal injury, Handling personal instability, Handling rejection from peers, Handling relationship betrayal, Handling relationship instability, Handling relationship stress, Handling sexual identity judgment, Handling sexual identity uncertainty, Handling the death of a spouse, Handling workplace restructuring, Handling wrongful termination, Having a secret affair with someone else, Health issues, Heavy debt load, Helping a friend or loved one face their death, High medical costs to pay, Hijacking – car or other vehicle, Hormonal imbalances, Hospitalization, Hurting someone you love and feeling unable to stop it, Identity crisis, Imposter syndrome, Inability to find someone to love or who will love you, Inadequate medical scheme benefits, Inadequate or absent pension, Incest – “sexual molestation”, Infatuation, Infertility, Infidelity, Injury as a result of an accident, Insolvency, Interfering family members, Invasive or complicated surgical procedures, Irregular income, Job dissatisfaction, Job loss, Job transfers, Kidnapping, Knowing you are gay and trying to maintain a heterosexual relationship, Life threatened – disaster – fire, flood war …, Life threatened – gun, knife, bomb, poison …, Liquidation, Living together for the sake of the children when the relationship is over, Living with a partner who is a compulsive gambler, Living with a partner with a terminal or serious illness, Living with an alcoholic partner or drug addict, Living with chronic conditions, Loneliness, Long-distance relationships, Losing friends or family due to promotion or advancement in your career or studies, Losing the function of some part of your body e.g. paralysis, blindness, deafness, Loss of a child, Loving and living with someone in a relationship that is rejected by family or friends, Low self-esteem, Maintaining focus, Managing blended families, Managing chronic fatigue syndrome, Managing chronic pain, Managing emotions during infertility treatments, Managing end-of-life care, Managing expectations on others, Managing grief after pet loss, Managing holiday stress, Managing insomnia, Managing life with diabetes, Managing migraines, Managing PTSD, Managing sibling rivalry, Managing stage fright, Managing sudden wealth, Managing tics, Managing time effectively, Managing violent impulses, Marital issues, Memory issues, Menopausal changes, Midlife crisis, Miscarriages, Moving to a new city or country, Mugging, Narcissism, Navigating cultural diversity, Negative comparison of abilities with brother, sister or someone else, Negative self-talk, No or little savings to get you through challenging economic times, Not having enough money to ensure basic survival, Not having enough money to pursue your chosen ambition, Not having enough money to start your own business, Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Over-extended credit, Overcoming 'bad' habits, Overcoming academic pressure, Overcoming childhood trauma, Overcoming fear of animals, Overcoming fear of being alone, Overcoming fear of change, Overcoming fear of childbirth, Overcoming fear of commitment, Overcoming fear of darkness, Overcoming fear of dentists, Overcoming fear of germs, Overcoming fear of heights, Overcoming fear of intimacy, Overcoming fear of medical procedures, Overcoming fear of needles, Overcoming fear of open spaces, Overcoming fear of success, Overcoming fear of the dark, Overcoming homesickness, Overcoming imposter syndrome, Overcoming jealousy, Overcoming narcissistic abuse, Overcoming negative body image, Overcoming perfectionism, Overcoming shyness, Overcoming social isolation, Overcoming writer’s block, Own business (or spouse’s or lover’s business) facing bankruptcy or other serious “threats”, Own career progress blocked by some reason, Parenting challenges, Performance anxiety, Periods of involuntary unemployment (self, spouse or lover), Persistent “conflict” with superiors, partners or colleagues, Phobias of flying, Phobias of insects, Phobias of snakes, Physical “abandonment” by parent – one or both – perceived or actual, Physical “abuse,” “assault,” “violence,” “torture,” “deprivation”, Physical “neglect”, Physical “pain” or disfigurement due to accident or disease, Physical “pain” or disfigurement due to aggression or violence, Physical “persecution” or “torture”, Postpartum depression, Pre ejaculation, Prison or jail service, Promising someone you love that you will follow a specific career to please or win his or her approval, Promotions, Rape or attempted rape, Realizing you are not capable of doing something you want to do, Receiving a diagnosis of a life-threatening disease, Recurrence of disease symptoms believed cured, Reframing mindset for wealth building, Refugee status, Refusal of access to institutions or facilities due to social undesirability or unacceptability, Refusal of friendship by someone you wanted as a friend, Regret, Regret over past decisions, Rejection, Relationship conflicts, Repossession of household goods due to inability to pay, Resentment, Retirement due to age, Retirement due to age of spouse or lover, Retirement due to illness or other non-age reasons, Retirement due to illness or other non-age reasons of spouse or lover, Retirement transition, Retrenchment of spouse or lover from his or her job, Robbery – theft of possessions, Sacrificing you ambitions for the family, Sadness, Seeing a loved one suffer and die from a serious illness, Seeking clarity of purpose, Self-doubt, Self-exaggerations and depreciations, Self-harm, Selling you own business, Serious cultural or religious differences between you and your partner, Serious decline in financial income and / or status, Serious decline in value of investments, Severe “criticism” by adults or parents, Sex addiction, Sexual “abuse,” “rape,” or attempted rape, Sexual abuse, Sexual impotency or frigidity of partner, Sexual impotency or frigidity of yourself, Sexual, emotional or physical “harassment” of spouse or lover at work, Shame, Social anxiety, Societal expectations, Spiritual crises, Spouse or lover starting his or her own business, Starting a new job, Starting you own business, Stating your ambitions and being criticized or ridiculed for it, Stress, Successful abortions, Sudden disability, Suicide prevention, Suppressing a secret fetish in a relationship – cross dressing, Survivor guilt,Terminal illness, Theft of your saved money due to fraud,Threats of dismissal when you really need the job, Trauma after a car accident, Trauma after being hijacked, Trauma from natural disaster, Traumatic experiences, Upset with someone else's addiction, Wanting to study further and being “prevented” from doing so, Watching a friend “suffer” “pain” or disease, Weight management, Witnessing “abuse” or “harsh treatment” of a loved one, Witnessing a natural disaster, Witnessing or participating in “death” of or acts of aggression towards others or acts of war, Witnessing the “humiliation,” “rejection” or “pain” of someone for “failing”, Witnessing the “humiliation,” “rejection” or “pain” of someone for “succeeding”, Work conflicts, Work-life balance issues, Your partner discovering you are having an affair with someone else ... and so much more

Here’s what Coaches have shared after incorporating the Demartini Method into their client sessions:

Neo Ross Coach
One of the best decisions you make in both your personal and professional life

Dr. John Demartini's teachings, frameworks, and methods have provided a strong foundation for my coaching and consulting business. The Demartini Method has been instrumental in each individual and group coaching session, helping my clients achieve powerful transformations. Over the last seven years, I've been blessed to assist over 2,500 individuals and groups. Two highlight sessions that particularly surprised both my clients and me were when I worked on rape cases and was able to dissolve all charges related to the events. One session lasted 1 hour and 30 minutes, and the other 1 hour and 19 minutes. Additionally, I have hosted 13 Demartini Method for Groups workshops, with some groups having up to 48 individuals. Some of my clients have transformed into equity projects, and one of these I sold for a multiple six-figure sum back in 2023. This journey has been personally fulfilling and financially rewarding, resulting in over $1.5 million in total revenue over the last seven years. If you are considering mastering the Demartini Method, I want to encourage you - it will be one of the best decisions you make in both your personal and professional life.

Peri Shawn Executive Coach
Solved their most challenging problems

The Demartini Method is transformative and profound. It and its science-based principles have catapulted my life and the lives of my executive clients. It has helped me unleash my potential – from having troubles speaking as a child to being a professional keynote speaker and from having difficulties writing to being a global award-winning author. None of this would have happened without the Demartini Method. For my clients, the Demartini Method has transformed their biggest issues, solved their most challenging problems and deeply impacted their most important relationships (personal and professional). As a coach, you’ll find the Demartini Method is a tool that you can use for the rest of your coaching career. I’ve been using it for more than 29 years in my executive coaching and haven’t yet found a situation where it hasn’t been applicable for my clients.

Dacian Pascuta Coach, Trainer and Author
It has helped me assist thousands of clients

The Demartini Method has transformed me personally, and I felt the call to adopt it and master it professionally too. Ever since, it has helped me assist thousands of clients to reach soulful, outstanding results in their lives, mostly around letting go of old personas, patterns and plateaus they defined themselves by. The power of this method is to awaken us to what we are, beyond our current definitions.

Tanya Cross Leadership Coach
I've witnessed incredible transformations

The Demartini Method Training Program empowered me in ways I never imagined. It provided me with a framework of insightful self-questions, helping me understand my mind, which I had once thought was flawed and broken. It built resilience in me and deepened my sense of self-gratitude. Since attending the Demartini Method Training Program, I have launched a thriving coaching practice where I apply the Demartini Method with my clients. I've witnessed incredible transformations in my clients.

Seeing these transformations firsthand is deeply inspiring. The work I do now feels incredibly meaningful. The Demartini Method has enabled me to contribute meaningfully to the world through my coaching practice. My coaching business continues to grow. I've consistently earned a multi six-figure income while maintaining the freedom to raise my daughter and be present in her life as she grows up.

The Demartini Method has equipped me to manage my emotions, reconnect with my heart, and continue to serve my clients effectively. If you're considering attending the Demartini Method Training Program, do it. It will empower not only you but also the clients you serve.

Morrin O'Shea Mindset Coach
Words can't describe how valuable the Demartini Method is

Having a method that incorporates so many things and can be applied to all clients I work with plus myself is just incredible. Words can't even really describe how valuable the Demartini Method is to me!

Ignatius (Nash) Mackey Coach
Fantastic method

One of the most profound tools for transformation I have learned to date. It feels incredibly empowering to have this fantastic method in my toolbox.

Vivien Hsu Pharmacist and Consultant
Grateful for the skills I've gained to help others

Thank you John for creating this method to allow people to be authentic and to fulfill their purpose in life. It's changed my life both personally and professionally. I'm more authentic and more efficient in helping patients. I'm very grateful for the skills I've gained to help others.

Lisa Dion Psychotherapist
Impactful investment

Learning the Demartini Method has been one of the most impactful investments I have ever made.

Anna Ngan Tran Transformational Coaching
The most powerful transformational coaching I have known.

Powerful, genius, cutting-edge methods. I can see the dedication of Dr John Demartini and the inspired by his vision and other people in this community, which inspire me in my vision in helping Vietnamese.

Mel Krug Chiropractor, Business Coach
Deeper breakthroughs

I am grateful now to have a much more confident understanding of how to work with clients in this method to support them in achieving the deeper breakthroughs they are seeking in life.

Jennifer Ling Psychologist
An integral tool that I will use in my practice.

This program has been an integral tool that I will use in my practice with clients with a multitude of presenting concerns. It will also serve me for my own personal growth and development.

Joyleen Rao Coach
Powerful tool for transformation

The Demartini Method is a powerful tool for transformation. Seeing the hidden order in anything we go through is so liberating.

Michelle Wayman Licensed Professional Counselor
Truly nothing like this out there

Learning and being able to implement this method into my life and into the lives of others has had a profound impact on my life and sense of fulfillment. There is truly nothing like this out there. I wish that everyone in my life would take the time to learn and apply these principles themselves. I can't wait to be able to share this information with my clients and start transforming lives.

Transcending the victim model in psychology

The Demartini Method integrates some of the strengths of many previously developed methods, including behavioral, transpersonal, and cognitive psychologies and then adds new practical, concise and insightful questions to help integrate conscious and unconscious portions of awareness to help individuals to become more mindfully conscious.

The Demartini Method is about transcending the traditional victim model in psychology and awakening to an accountable, inner-directed and reflective journey of transformation to empowerment.

It’s a powerful process that many psychologists and coaches now use as their primary coaching methodology because it gives results, every time.

How is The Demartini Method related to various forms of therapy?

The Demartini Method assists people in breaking through limiting habits of unfulfilling behavior as behavioral therapists do. It alters maladaptive ways of perceiving and thinking as cognitive-behavioral therapists do. It dissolves conscious and unconscious conflicts and adverse childhood or adulthood experiences as psychodynamic therapists do. It transforms unwise ways of interacting with others as interpersonal therapists do.

It helps people find their own solutions to life problems as person-centered therapists do. The Demartini Method was evolved partly for the purpose of transforming a more subjective social and humanistic science (psychology) into a more objective natural science (psychophysics).

How can you use the Demartini Method to EMPOWER your client’s lives?

As a cutting-edge individual transformation methodology, the Demartini Method can assist you in transforming all seven areas of your life:


When you balance the mathematical equation of your client’s perceptions you help them rise up from the subcortical region of their brain to their more advanced prefrontal cortex where they’re more resilient, adaptable, and objective.

The Demartini Method can be used to:
  • Organize ideas and thoughts, bringing order out of chaos
  • Expand and awaken intuitive faculties
  • Clear away emotionally charged memories and imaginings
  • Develop more certainty and presence


Low levels of self-governance affects overall productivity and results. High levels of self-governance initiates greater leadership and builds business.

The Demartini Method can be used to:
  • Add more certainty and clarity to career direction
  • See the pros and cons of decisions in advance
  • Inspire a greater inner drive and autonomy
  • Increase wise action
  • Decrease foolish reaction


Pride and elation tends to lead to foolish reactions with money which erodes wealth. Shame and guilt block the ability to receive and thus build wealth. Self-governance helps build long-term wealth.

The Demartini Method can be used to:
  • Develop greater self-worth
  • Decrease excuses that tend to sabotage wealth
  • Moderate over or under spending
  • Expand time horizons and patience


Reflective awareness in relationships builds connection and true intimacy.

The Demartini Method can be used to:
  • Enhance intimate communication
  • Resolve conflict
  • Decrease blame Add respect and understanding


Self-governance means having the ability to rise above the paradoxes and attain the objectivity required for leadership.

The Demartini Method can be used to:
  • Generate leadership qualities
  • Break through fears and guilt
  • Add clarity to mission and direction
  • Bring understanding to world events


Emotions perturb physiology, creating symptoms that are feedback pointing the way back to governance.

The Demartini Method can be used to:
  • Clear emotionally charged tensions
  • Dissolve stress and add vitality
  • Calm emotions and relax muscles
  • Feel lighter and sleep sounder


Greater governance leads to greater equanimity and objectivity and being in a state of grace, love and appreciation, the true spiritual expression.

The Demartini Method can be used to:
  • Awaken the mind to the underlying hidden order
  • Awaken and humble the mind to a greater intelligence inherent in nature
  • Open the mind to greater wisdom and truth
  • Open the heart to greater love and appreciation

No Therapy is Complete Until Cause Equals Effect in Space Time

You’ll take your clients from Ungoverned to Governed using The Demartini Method

Before the Demartini Method
After the Demartini Method

Animal Survival Brain - Subcortical Region

Ungoverned mind

Impulsivity - acting before you think

Anger and Aggression

Feelings of Betrayal

Unfulfilled and Uninspired

Depression, Anxiety

Focusing on Your Problems

Unclear and Uncertain Vision, Mission, Purpose


Imperative Language (Should, Ought to, Have, Must)


Feeling Stuck and Stagnant

Immediate Gratification


Drained of Energy

Blaming Outside Circumstances

Unrealistic Expectations

Distracting Brain Noise

Emotionally Volatile

Human Thrival Brain - Prefrontal Cortex

Governed mind

Think before act

Poised and Centered

Seeing How Everything Serves

Fulfilled and Inspired

Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

Solution Orientated

Clear and Certain Vision, Mission, Purpose


Intrinsic Language (Love to,
Choose to)


Expanding and Progressing in Life Mastery

Delayed Gratification

Seeing the hidden order

Vital and Energized

Taking Accountability, Reflective Awareness

Realistic Objectives

Clear Minded Consciousness

Stable with Balanced Emotions

How do I Become Trained in the Demartini Method


Experience the Demartini Method at the Breakthrough Experience (or participate in a Fast-Track session)

Learn the principles and practical application of the Demartini Method in your own life


Learn how to use the Demartini Method at the Demartini Method Training Program

Become licensed to use the Demartini Method professionally with clients


Ongoing mastery of the Demartini Method at the advanced training classes

Go deeper and fine tune your mastery of the Demartini Method and attain 3 senior levels of certification

Speak to a Representative

The Path to Mastering the Demartini Method


The Breakthrough Experience - 2 Full Days

Dr Demartini’s signature seminar where you’ll get to experience the transformative power of the Demartini Method firsthand. You can attend this seminar LIVE online or in certain cities LIVE in-person.


The Demartini Method Training Program - 5 Full Days

Be trained by Dr John Demartini in the primary applications of the Demartini Method. Upon completion you’ll be a Trained Demartini Method Facilitator and issued with a 2-year professional license enabling you to use the Demartini Method commercially in your client sessions.


Demartini Method Level II Training - 3 Full Days

This training is for graduates of the Demartini Method Training Program and designed to help you master the more advanced applications of the Demartini Method, including synthesis and synchronicity, through teaching and facilitator practice sessions.


Demartini Values Training Program - 4 Full Days

Mastering the application of values in all 7 areas of life, through teaching and facilitator practice sessions, in order to drive greater client/staff engagement, productivity, autonomy, mission, and purpose. You’ll receive a license to use the Demartini Values Methodologies commercially for the duration of 2 years.


Demartini Addiction Resolution Training - 2 Full Days

Only for graduates of the Demartini Method Training as well as the Demartini Values Training Program. Learn how to dissolve all types of addiction using the Demartini Addiction Resolution protocol.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I learn the Demartini Method?

How can I be licensed to use the Demartini Method professionally?

Are there different levels of certification available in the Demartini Method?

Are there any prerequisites to attend the Demartini Method Training Program?

What professionals use the Demartini Method?

How long is the Demartini Method Training Program?

Can I use the Demartini Method professionally straight after training?

What are the requirements to maintain my license in the Demartini Method?

Is being certified mandatory?

Who presents the Demartini Method Training Program?

I’d like to book a consultation to experience the Demartini Method with Dr John Demartini or with an authorized Demartini Method Facilitator

How do I find and verify an independant Demartini Method Facilitator?

I have more questions, I'd love to speak to someone

The Originator of the Demartini Method

john demartini

Dr John Demartini is a human behavior specialist, a polymath, philosopher, international speaker and best-selling author. His work is a summation of over 264 disciplines synthesized from the greatest philosophical, economic and scientific minds.

As the founder of the Demartini Method, his extensive curriculum helps individuals master their minds and thereby master their lives. His tools and processes help individuals to increase the quality of their lives, empower all aspects of their lives and achieve their goals and dreams.

How did The Demartini Method originate?

I have been asked many times by many people as I have traveled the world, how did I ever come up with the Demartini Method. This brief story is my reply!

At age 17, shortly after a near death experience, and upon meeting an amazing and inspiring teacher named Paul C. Bragg, I had a dream and vision to become a great teacher, healer and philosopher, to travel the world and step foot on every country on the face of the Earth, to share my research findings with those who were receptive and to live an amazing and privileged life.  At age 18, while sitting on the floor of my room at my parent’s home, I began reading The Discourse on Metaphysics by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, the German philosopher.

In the first chapter of this great classical book Leibniz shared his insights concerning what he called the Divine perfection, Divine beauty and Divine order in the universe. He believed there was an underlying, hidden order in the universe that very few people ever became aware of or understood. Their lives of those who did were changed forever, but the majority of people would never come to know the Divine order. As I read further, tears of inspiration came to my eyes. I felt in my heart that what he was sharing had some morsel of truth in it. I dreamed of being one of the few who became aware of and understood this hidden order

From that moment on I set out to find the universal principles that governed such an underlying order. This exploration led me to studying everything and anything that I could find that might assist me in this endeavor. I explored many disciplines – physics, astronomy, cosmology, mathematics, chemistry, theology, metaphysics, psychology, neurology and many dozens of others – all for the purpose of hopefully unveiling the keys to this underlying order.

During those early months of research I came upon a sub-discipline of physics, called Quantum Physics, through reading a book (The Principles of Quantum Mechanics – 1930, 1947) published by Paul Dirac. It was during this detailed study that I was introduced to the mind-expanding concepts of particles and waves, collapsing wave functions, and the generation and annihilation of particles. It is here that an intuitive leap occurred. It had been discovered in quantum physics that when charged particles of matter and their complementary opposite antiparticles of antimatter collided and were annihilated - light emerged.  At once I wondered if two charged, yet complementary opposite emotional states were to be united, could enlightenment emerge. This was the very earliest conception of the Demartini Method. I pondered the possibility that true science (physics) and true religion (metaphysics) were somehow the same and both were somehow united by light.

Around the same time I also came upon a series of texts entitled the World of Mathematics by James Newman. The last chapter of the third text of this series was discussing Divine Beauty. Here it discussed how, when certain mathematical proportions were used in architectural design, they were perceived as sacred and initiated a state of grateful awe and inspiration in the human psyche of those viewing the edifice. I wondered at the time whether these same proportions could somehow be realized in human perceptions at will and whether they could be recognized and inherent in natural daily events. Over the years since then, I discovered that not only were these proportions lying within daily events but, that through a series of complementary quality questions, these awe-inspiring states could be realized and systematically initiated. The Demartini Method was born.

From that time forward new refinements and new insights have been incorporated periodically into this special method and application feedback has helped further develop the Demartini Method to where it is today – a powerful, transferable and reproducible tool for global human transformation.

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The Demartini Institute has offices in Houston Texas USA and in Fourways South Africa as well as representatives in Australia and New Zealand. The Demartini Institute partners with hosts in the UK, France, Italy and Ireland. For more information or to host Dr Demartini contact the office in SA or USA.

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